Sunday 12 October 2008


1. Rugby

Obama looks like he is going to win the US election. The cartoon shows him breaking free of the current President and almost free of McCain tackling him as the competition for the Presidency. The cartoon is a metaphor for Obama leading the "Free World" as the next President of the United States of America.

2. My Lasting Legacy

The cartoon depicts the fate of a number of high profile UK banks as a result of the "credit crunch", all of which have lost their independence as a result of being nationalised. The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, is portrayed as the Grim Reaper responsible for the demise of the banks but his face is darkened to suggest that no-body really knows who is responsible.

3. The Queen

The cartoon shows the collapse in world markets as a result of the credit crunch, the sharp line portraying the fall in stock exchanges, commodity prices, oil and other asset prices around the world. The value of a £20 note is shown to drop dramatically as wealth is destroyed by the credit crunch, with an ever more anxious and worried Queen symbolising the general public's and politicians' reaction to the progressing crisis. Many of the things that were taken for granted - such as "Solid Banks" and "Sound Money" are clearly no longer to be relied upon in the changed market.

4. America stays on the Right

The cartoon shows the US state emblem, the Eagle, and to the right, an Elephant which has been used to symbolise what the American political Right stands for. There are armaments emanating from the symbol, which brings in the combined themes of the Republicans' track record on Foreign Policy as well as the more recent stereotyed image of Palin, McCain's running mate

2. America moves to the Left

The cartoon shows the US state emblem, the Eagle, shifting to the left. The eagle transforms into a Donkey from which emanates various banners. These are a play on Obama's rallying slogan "Change We Can Believe In", although the cartoon questions whether, in shifting to the right, the US public actually knows what Change Obama actually will deliver. Thus, the cartoon questions the substance behind Obama's campaign.

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